Mod Girl Amy Marxkors
It may seem easy to be a Mod Girl when you’re 28, smart, sweet and sporty. But don’t think it all comes together without a fair amount of discipline and risk taking. Meet Amy Marxkors and her fabulous new book, The Lola Papers.
Note: I met Amy when she shared a few running stories at Fleet Feet StL one evening. As I was considering my first marathon, she eased my angst with humorous solutions (or what NOT to do) about frozen fingers, potty breaks, puddle jumping, and other running quirks.
Here she shares a little fun and advice:
When did you start writing about sports?
I was home schooled from second grade through high school. I fell in love with writing when I was twelve. Throughout my teenage years, I wrote for local sports publications (mostly about ice hockey), conducting interviews with players and providing post-game recaps and commentary. After graduating high school, I made the very unconventional decision not to go to college, but to continue to teach myself writing. I studied the great authors and gave myself assignments accordingly. (There was definitely a heavy emphasis on British literature, especially that of the Victorian Era. Oh, how I love David Copperfield!) The result of this unique "curriculum" is that my writing voice sounds very much as though Charles Dickens and Malibu Barbie had a love child... and she decided to write a book.
What sports do you play these days?
I love all sports. Love them. Growing up, I dreamed of being everything from a Kentucky-Derby-winning jockey to a star NFL quarterback. (Neither of those really worked out. But I can throw a mean downfield pass.) I played ice hockey through high school and, yep, I still play today. I love being outdoors. I love running outdoors-- especially trails. My body craves feeling dirt and grass beneath my feet and smelling the fresh, verdant air. That's one reason I love St. Louis so much. Our seasons never leave us bored. I am absolutely, 100% an outside runner. It doesn't matter if it's 10 degrees below zero or 110 degrees, or if it's pouring down rain or snowing like all get-out. (Plus, bad weather makes you feel so hardcore.) I also have a mean craving for adventure and travel. Unfortunately, my bank account doesn't feel the same way. But one of these days... And my first port of call: Iceland.
So, any challenges or advice to share in case we race each other some day? (Why God made age divisions:)
I always say I'm fit if you want me to run in a straight line, but I lack full-body fitness and strength. I admire people who cross train, whether it be swimming, cycling, yoga, weights, Cross Fit, or anything else that challenges the body's strength and agility. After my next marathon is done (end of April), I'm going to try to incorporate more cross training into my routine.
Advice? Be consistent and don't give yourself the option of skipping your workout. There is a scene in the movie Top Gun in which Maverick says, "If you think, you're dead." I tell myself that all the time before tough tempo runs, track workouts, and even races. Once you start dialoguing with yourself about whether or not you feel like doing the workout or you start analyzing your motivation levels, you've given yourself the kiss of death. Nike has it down pat. Their motto isn't, "Think About It." It's "Just Do It." I have to remind myself of that all the time.
How did The Lola Papers come about?
While I was studying my way through my made-up college, I became a full-time writing instructor, focusing-- ironically-- on preparing high school students for college writing. I also continued freelancing. In 2007, I began working part-time at Fleet Feet St. Louis. It was there that I met my two crazy running partners, Mr. Speedy Pants and Big J, who are the main characters in my book. I worked at Fleet Feet for almost three years before leaving to write full time. I’m now writing book number two (a biography of an amazing triathlete who competed in the Ironman World Championship while battling stage 4 colon cancer) and freelancing.
Congrats on your accomplishments Amy. Love that you make running fun and funny. Book details please. (What, Where, How to get it?)
“It wasn't supposed to be a big deal. She wanted to run faster. He could give her a few pointers. Instead, a simple request for training advice turned into a year of high-intensity coaching, unexpected adventure, unlikely friendships, and the realization that life, like the marathon, isn't about the finish line. It's about what you learn along the way.
Humorous and endearingly candid, The Lola Papers reveals the universal truths and profound humanity hidden in the miles, showing that sometimes the greatest gift in life is getting more than what you bargained for.”
The Lola Papers will be available at Barnes and Noble, Fleet Feet Sports, and major booksellers nationwide beginning April 10th. It is also available at and in e-book format for Kindle and NOOK.
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